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Beauty and lifestyle expert Dawn McCarthy has found some great Products Founded, Created or Developed by Women in honor of Women’s History Month.

Lullaby Lane-New mom, & Baby gift boxes Jessica, a new mom, created Lullaby Lane to help family and friends give thoughtful, safe, practical gifts to Moms-to-be and new moms. After extensive research, Jessica carefully curated each box to contain products moms need and want. Products include Belly Salve, Preggie Pop Drops, an excellent natural way to alleviate morning sickness, face masks, and much more. These gift boxes are sure to be a big hit at any baby shower.

Dead Cereus by Kira Seamon– Dead Cereus, is a young adult novel that juggles mystery, humor, romance and factoids about the science and art of horticulture. Part of the book centers around the cereus plant, which is native to Arizona. The book is also loaded with abundant details about rare plants and gardening. Written by a woman with a story centered around a woman, Dead Cereus keeps readers engaged throughout. kiraseamonauthor. com

Gloves In A Bottle Hand Shielding Lotion- Gloves In A Bottle has been around since 1994, and functions so well that the skin breathes and perspires naturally. Because it literally becomes part of the outer layer of skin, it does not wash off like other lotions, but comes off naturally as your skin exfoliates. For continued protection against irritants and toxins, simply reapply in 4-12 hours. This company was Co-Founded by Katya, who has a team of 6 amazing women as well that help run the daily functions, and Gloves in a Bottle is loved by nurses across America. glovesinabottle. com

EVXO Cosmetics is a new female-owned, LA-based makeup and body line with vegan, organic gluten-free products that combine all-natural nourishing ingredients to leave your skin healthier while providing long lasting coverage. Their products are formulated from scratch with the skin in mind so that with use of their products your skin is constantly looking radiant yet natural. 2. EVXO’s collection of clean cosmetics features mascara, foundation, lip stick, bath and body, and more.

Baggallini –stands for smart, stylish on-the-go living. The brand was founded in 1995 and all bags are designed to give women the organization, confidence, and comfort to do it all. The brand was started by two entrepreneurial female founders that were two global travelers and leveraged insights from around the world to create functional, stylish bags to enhance the lives of modern women.