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Bug Bite Thing uses suction to alleviate stinging, itching and swelling from bites/stings by extracting insect saliva/venom from underneath the skin. A Amazon’s #1 seller for insect bite relief with over 45,000 reviews this product is chemical-free, reusable and suitable for all ages. It costs $9.95 including free shipping at

Novid Nasal Spray Say Goodbye to Nasal Congestion & Inflammation with GetNovid.This all-natural nasal spray treats nasal allergies and reduces the symptoms of colds and sinus infections with a few squirts a day. This product is non-addictive, created by Dr. Marc Kerner who is a top Ears, Throat & Nose surgeon for over 25 years. This product also fights virusus -so great for planes, concerts or while out in large crowds. Go To

Clear Skin Essentials Kit by Fresh Faced Skin Care is an easy to use, 3 step routine that works for all ages. This natural acne treatment is without harsh side effects and results can be seen in as little as 7 days! Pregnancy-safe without salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Includes: Purifying Bar, Clarity Serum, Balance or Nourish Moisturizer. This routine lasts 2.5-3 months. Go to to get your kit today.

Nada Moo A great go to dairy free alternative is Ice Cream from NadaMoo-It’s a family owned business, that started out making desserts for family & friends and now a nationwide leader in the certified organic, gluten free, vegan marketplace. Championing the power of plants, NadaMoo is made with Coconut milk, and sweetened with sustainably farmed agave. It’s lower calorie, lower carb and has lower sugar than traditional ice cream and even other non-dairy brands. They have over 20 yummy flavors to choose from which you can find all of them or a store near you.