Sneak Peek Spring 2025

Dawn McCarthy
Beauty and lifestyle expert Dawn McCarthy has some Products to check out this Spring of 2025-including a new book release, hair care, food option for the busy parent, and a magical way for kids to get around.

LUSETA BEAUTY combines luxury and addordability, offering sulfate, paraben, and cruelty-free products targeting hydration, volume, and repair. Available at Amazon, CVS, and Lusetabeauty.com, the
Biotin & Collagen line strengthens and plumps hair with biotin, collagen, and argan oil. Highlights
include shampoo, conditioner, hair mask, strengthening hair oil, heat protectant spray, and dry shampoo. usetabeauty.com

ALYCAT AND THE COPY CAT BY ALYSSON BOURQUE – This new book in The Alycat Series includes STEM themes plus instructions for making your own glitter volcano. This book weaves important lessons about resolving misunderstandings, kindness, giving others the benefit of the doubt, and keeping an open mind. Alycat and the Copycat is more than just a story about a science fair; it’s a testament to friendship, originality, and the importance of not jumping to conclusions. alycatseries.com

HIDDEN FOODS CO – Created by a mom- Kendra Matthews who had a child that was a picky eater, inspired her to work with a pediatric dietician to create Hidden Foods Co. This product is made for the busy parent. Hidden Foods Pancake Mixes are full of nutrition and easy to make by just adding water! Each mix provides 50% daily value of Vitamins A, B6, C, D, and E with 9g protein and 4-5g fiber in one serving. With hidden veggies, flaxseed, protein and no added sugar, these make great pancakes, waffles, or muffins for everyone in the family! hiddenfoodsco.com

POWER PONY – Introducing the Push Pony! From the creators of the groundbreaking Power Pony— this enchanting toy is designed for young riders aged 2 and up. With a simple push of a button, the Push Pony springs to life with interactive lights and sounds. Parents can push their kids for a magical ride and then remove the handle so kids can ride, spin, and play with this adorable plush companion all day long! Is your kid a little older?-no worries, the iconic Power Pony is available and ready to take kids on all kinds of adventures. Order early-they sell out fast since being a top Holiday item –powerpony.com