
It's All About the Products!

– Celebrating Over a Decade On Air –

L.A. Based Beauty & Lifestyle Advisor, Dawn McCarthy bringing fabulous product tips and finds!

Celebrating Women in Business

Celebrating Women in Business

Picture of Dawn McCarthy

Dawn McCarthy

Beauty and lifestyle advisor, Dawn McCarthy is here to share 5 products you should Try in honor of Women’s History Month this March.

Eaton Pet & Pasture is committed to the harmony of a happy pet and a healthy planet. Women-run, farmer-founded, and every product is flock-tested and approved on their organic farm in Upstate NY. Grounded in sustainability and transparency, their premium products are crafted with USA-sourced ingredients, minimal plastic packaging, and the most eco-friendly inputs possible. Born on an organic farm in the Northeast, we’re the one-stop shop for coop care, offering trusted, effective solutions that keep your flock happy & healthy. eatonpetandpasture.com

The Blonde Italian-Lauren Falcioneas a mom of Italian descent, busy raising two daughters, Lauren loved cooking with fresh, natural ingredients, but it felt like all I did was run to the market to source ingredients, then prep & chop all day! I thought it would be nice to have these items on hand, ready to use at all time without the work. So, I created a seasoning made of fresh garlic, fresh herbs and vegetables in oil that I could use to make any food, meal or recipe instantly taste amazing! My oldest daughter Giavanna loved watching me cook and inspired me to make this product so I named it Giavanna’s Garden Garlic Seasoning in honor of her. The Blonde Italian also has pasta sauces and oils that are some of the best you will ever taste! theblondeitalian.com

My Baby Hair – Dr. Bre Hayward A scalp-first hair care brand designed to restore, strengthen, and protect your hair. Baby Hair combines clinically inspired, natural ingredients to nourish the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. Our mission is simple: help you get back the hair you were born with. Experience the power of science and nature for your healthiest hair yet! mybabyhair.com

Expound Publicity Alysson Bourqueis a bestselling, award-winning children’s book author and Mom who began her career as a teacher after graduating from University of Louisiana Lafayette with a degree in Elementary Education. She earned a Juris Doctor law degree from the Southern University Law Center in 2007. Alysson is the author of  The Alycat Series and just released her 8th book this month –Alycat and the Copycat. She has helped and represented over 500 plus authors-so if you are looking for assistance-connect with her or go online to get her new book on Amazon  expoundpublicity.com

Mud Pie Paws – Cherie Dobbs has been in the skincare industry for decades and one of the top product formulators. Cherie has created top beauty brands for the past decades which are sold across the country. Clear Choice® and Prana SpaCeuticals™ are two targeted and different lines available from Dermastart. In 2024, Cherie followed her second passion-Animals and created Mud Pie Paws to help all for Dogs & Cats.  This first product in a line of many to come helps soothe and heal common skin concerns, such as paw licking, itching, and hotspots. Mud Pie Paws is a gentle, effective disinfectant that can help with wound care, skin conditions, ear and and eye infections too. This gentle, natural formula supports multiple daily applications without irritation, ensuring continuous, effective relief for your fur kids issues. This is a must have in every Pawrents home. mudpiepaws.com

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