Beauty and lifestyle advisor, Dawn McCarthy is here to share a few or her Top Products in Beauty, Food, and Literature that you are going to want to check out in 2025.

Alycat and the Copycat by Alysson Bourque – This new book in The Alycat Series includes STEM themes plus instructions for making your own glitter volcano. This book weaves important lessons about resolving misunderstandings, kindness, giving others the benefit of the doubt, and keeping an open mind. Alycat and the Copycat is more than just a story about a science fair; it’s a testament to friendship, originality, and the importance of not jumping to conclusions.

IVY’S RESERVE – At Ivy’s Reserve, we’ve been making award-winning cheese and butter in beautiful Somerset, England for over a century. It’s a family tradition begun by our grandmother Ivy, who perfected our recipe and taught us to work closely with nature. The silhouette on the packaging is Grandma Ivy herself whom never left Somerset England, and is now found all over the world. If you want to elevate your baking-their butter is must, or for your charcuterie boards they have the best cheddar-check out-

HIDDEN FOODS CO – Created by a mom- Kendra Matthews who had a child that was a picky eater, inspired her to work with a pediatric dietician to create Hidden Foods Co. This product is made for the busy parent. Hidden Foods Pancake Mixes are full of nutrition and easy to make by just adding water! Each mix provides 50% daily value of Vitamins A, B6, C, D, and E with 9g protein and 4-5g fiber in one serving. With hidden veggies, flaxseed, protein and no added sugar, these make great pancakes, waffles, or muffins for everyone in the family!

TUSHTONERS: At-Home Body Sculpting Machines – Achieve your body goals in 2025 with TushToners At-Home Body Sculpting machine. The technology features ultrasonic cavitation and radiofrequency which helps reduce inches at the waist, sculpt the jawline, reduce forehead wrinkles, cellulite and more! Suitable for ages 18-70+ and all body types. Easy to use, comes with training videos, and a user guide to help you sculpt your body I the comfort of your own home.